Distance Learning Resources - Copy

Many ways are already available for students to get work from their teachers.  You will find links and information students need for distance learning on this page.  As things progress, material will be added so please check back often. If you need the logon information for your child(ren), please use the contact form on this page.  You may also ask classroom teachers for this information when they check-in with you.
If you have WiFi and a computer at home, students should be checking their teacher's Google Classroom daily for assignments.  Even without a computer or WiFi, many apps are available on mobile devices if you have an unlimited data plan with your cellular carrier.  Please see the attached document for more information about how to access specific applications.
Thank you for your patience as we get our distance learning up and running.
This YouTube channel, "Willow Teachers Read and More," was created as a way to reach students during the transition to distance learning. It is a way for students to watch and participate in read alouds and lessons from their teachers.  Students can see their teachers reading, doing writing lessons, giving art and music demonstrations, and more.  Any student can view any teacher's videos. Teachers are also creating individual YouTube channels for video lessons on other subjects.  The individual teacher channels are listed as "Featured Channels" on the right side of the home page for the channel. 
If you cannot use the link in this site, you can search in YouTube for "Willow Teachers Read and More" or do a Google search for "willowteachersread youtube" (no spaces until youtube) and our channel will come up. Please utilize this resource during the students' time at home during this time of distance learning and beyond.

Card IconContact Form to Request Logon Information for Students-Please make sure to include student name(s) in the subject line.Top of Page

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Please do not forget to put  the name of the student(s) for whom you are requesting logon information in the subject line of your email.