Student LinksTop of Page
Students can connect to the district links for students which include RAZ Kids, Reflex Math, and Google Classroom. If a student's logon information for the R-Net is needed, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page. The information will be sent to you by return email. Please make sure that the student's full name and the teacher's name are included in the message.
Teacher Usernames and Access Codes for RAZ Kids, Reflex Math, and Epic Books
Prodigy Math Games
Student ActivitiesTop of Page
Our K - 5 grade students had art displayed and performed at the district VAPA showcase.

Monthly AwardsTop of Page
Each month, we recognize student achievement at our PBIS awards assemblies. If you would like a copy of your student's picture, please email Ms. Masuda at

Request Student Username(s) and Password(s)Top of Page
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